Find any email.
Turbocharge your outreach campaigns by using high-quality emails you can’t find anywhere else. Try us for FREE!
No credit card required

Skyrocket your outreach campaign
EmailFox ensures your message reaches the right person, every time.

Proprietary Email Search
Get high quality emails using our proprietary Email Scout tool. Just enter a domain (or a list of domains) and let us do the rest. With Email Scout, you can be sure we will:
Scan popular social media profiles
Analyze website about us and contact us pages
Search well known directory sites and personal blogs for contact information

Email Verification
Increase your deliverability and reduce your bounce rate by verifying emails.
All emails are checked for deliverability
Verified emails are grouped as deliverable or undeliverable
Ensure the domain hosting the email address actually exists and is working properly

First Name Detection
Personalize your email campaigns by using first names (if available).
Our system attempts to enrich your email list by providing a first name (if available)
All names are checked via a database of 20K+ commonly used global names

Pricing plans
Plans for all sizes
Simple, transparent pricing that grows with you

Free Trial




Monthly email searches


Email first names (if available)

Chrome & Firefox Extension

Frequently asked questions
Everything you need to know about our amazing service
Yes! You can use all the features of EmailFox for 2 weeks. After that period, you have to upgrade to a paid plan.
Sure, you can upgrade or downgrade your plan at any time. The change will take effect after the current billing period ends.
You can cancel your plan at any time. The account will still be accessible until your current billing period ends.
Credits are only used after a successful email is found. For example, if you insert 100 websites and only 50 emails are found, the system will deduct 50 credits from your account. We will only provide 1 email per website.
1 credit is used for each email verified. Email verifications will return a deliverable or undeliverable status.
Our Email Scout tool provides only the highest quality of emails for a website. We prioritize personal emails over role-based emails, which are considered low-quality for outreach campaigns. Try us for FREE.